About this app


This is an app that detects Australian wildflower species/genus from a photo. When you upload your image of some wildflower, this app will show the probable wildflower name(s) with its scientific name, common name, states where it is endemic to or native to, description, and its example image.

This app uses the image classification technique by the Deep Neural Network model. The model was trained with more than 6000 wildflower images collected on the internet. Currently, this app detects 131 species/genus of wildflowers. The list of all the available wildflowers in this app is here.

About the detail for this DNN image classification model, please refer to this GitHub.

This app was created by Chieko & is presented by Dflat.

For the question about this app, please contact here.(English or Japanese available)


Edited on 15 Dec 2021


Version Description Date
0.9.03 Add 12 new flowers (Total 131 flowers): Calectasia narragara, Comesperma virgatum, Comesperma volubile, Daviesia decurrens, Hakea lissocarpha, Hypocalymma angustifolium, Kunzea baxteri, Stylidium affine, Stylidium calcaratum, Stylidium piliferum, Stylidium repens, Stylidium schoenoides 15 Dec 2021
0.9.02 Set all the pictures for the flower list. Add Terms & Conditions and Usage Tips. 14 Oct 2021
0.9.01 Initial test-deployment on the server. 119 flowers. Most pictures in the description haven't been uploaded yet. 18 Sep 2021